Thursday, January 8, 2009

A new Year....

I had high hopes that the new year was gonna be different but I guess its not.
as you that know me knowes my baby girl had a wreck, she had a smile and eyes that i swear she is the only person i know that can go to a car dealership and purchase a car with no money down and get the salesman to take her home and pick her up when the car was ready, not once but twice just from smiling and batting them baby blues at em... when she wrecked she hit the end of a culvert head, ya all know the big round concrete edge that a driveway crosses so the water in the ditch can flow thru. it broke all the bones in her face except the lower jaw bone,and broke 2 spots in her back, well lets face it her smile isnt gonna help her now, with missing teeth and the cross she had on a chain around her neck made its way thru her upper lip and into her gum,another month and the jaw can be unwired, the hit to the forehead was to close to brain matter for the steel plates they wanted to put in there so theres a good sized sunken spot in her forehead,being the point of impact,it will just have to be an ever reminding memory of that event, the only good things to come out of this is that she didnt die and we got to spend 2 weeks with Cassidy Her youngest daughter whom i hadnt seen in a year. some of the evil people in this world managed to see to that and we lost custody of Cassidy to her other nanny....well when Cassidy went home she was informed she couldnt see us again, so now looks like i am gonna have to pray for a miracle so i can hire a lawyer to fight for visitation, i cant go another year, my lil family consist of son daughter and 2 grand daughters, when one is missing your heart is at a loss.....
still thinking my right wrist is broken it was exrayed but with the crippling arthritis the doc said there was so much degeneration to the bone it isnt possible to see if its broke, wonderful guess they are gonna say i need a wrist replacement already had both knees done, why not!been told i need both ankles but the knees were so painful i cant imagine ankles so they will be fine till i cant no longer walk yet again...oh well figured if i wrote this down it might help me feel better....